Online Awareness Course

An Innovative Approach

Previously, prosecutions were the only option for Local Authorities to enforce Blue Badge offences. Our innovative approach has being developed to offer Local Authorities with an alternative solution.   

Designed to give an educational focus, raise awareness and prevent offenders from committing further offences.

Our online awareness courses provide Local Authorities with a more proportionate and less severe alternative to prosecuting offenders.


Educating Offenders 24/7/365

Taking approximately three hours to complete, our multilingual online courses are available 24/7/365 and give offenders the choice of not having to attend a court hearing. 

Offenders can either complete an online awareness course, or attend a court hearing, defend a prosecution, and/or potentially obtain a criminal record.



Eliminate Cost

Our online awareness courses substantially reduce the amount of time and resources taken in prosecuting offenders.

Our courses offer a more proportionate remedy & require the offender to pay for the offence they have committed themselves.  

We provide an unique solution designed to deliver Blue Badge education, awareness and prevent further abuse.

Our innovative approach completely eliminates the Local Authority’s costs for processing the Blue Badge offence.