Leigh-on-Sea resident fined for misuse of blue badge
On 24 October 2024, Pravinatha Shetty, 40, of Eastwood Road, Leigh-on-Sea, pleaded guilty by post to the unlawful use of a disabled person’s blue badge. Mr Shetty was fined £400, ordered to pay costs of £1,477.50, and a victim surcharge of £160.
The incident occurred on 10 April 2024, when an officer from the Council’s Counter Fraud and Investigation Team observed a Range Rover parked on double yellow lines, displaying a blue badge. Upon returning to the vehicle from a nearby gym, Mr Shetty was approached by the officer and asked to inspect the badge. Initially, he gave his brother’s name and said that the badge holder was in hospital. However, the officer retained the badge, suspecting it was being used unlawfully. Mr Shetty then admitted it was his wife’s badge.
During an interview, Mr Shetty asserted that his wife had been with him at the time of the incident and was in a nearby property. However, CCTV footage showed him parking on double yellow lines and walking to the gym alone. Confronted with this evidence, Mr Shetty made a full admission.
Councillor Martin Terry, cabinet member for community safety, said: “This case highlights the importance of our ongoing efforts to tackle blue badge fraud. Fraudulent use of blue badges undermines a system designed to support disabled persons, enabling them to live full lives. It denies genuine badge holders’ access to necessary parking and reduces the Council’s parking revenue, which could otherwise fund vital public services. We will continue to take robust action against those who seek to abuse the system.”